The Ball Foundation

The Ball Foundation

Funding priorities: Recycling, Education, Disaster Relief

The Ball Foundation is the philanthropic arm of our company, to build a better world. It awards grants to nonprofit organizations in U.S. communities where we operate. In 2023, we contributed 41% of our charitable resources to recycling efforts, 23% to advancing education in STEM, and 30% to helping communities prepare for disaster and rapid relief when it strikes.
Apply For a Grant

Apply For a Grant

Ball Foundation grantmaking focuses on programming that aligns strongly with our priority areas, including: Recycling, Education in STEM, and Disaster Relief and Preparedness. We focus on specific, measurable projects and programs rather than offering broad sponsorships. Our deadlines to apply for a grant are the second Friday in May and the third Friday in September annually (Funding Guidelines). Grant applications are reviewed after the grant submission deadline rather than on a rolling basis. For questions, please contact 
Ball in the Community

Ball in the Community

We remain dedicated to the communities that sustain us.

Ball is committed to making a positive impact where our employees live and work.

Beyond The Ball Foundation, through our corporate giving, employee giving and volunteer programs, we work to accelerate positive social changes that contribute to better lives and equitable society for our employees and customers.                                                                                                              

For Ball, community engagement is how our company and our employees enrich the places where we live and work. Learn more about how Ball is showing up in communities across the globe.

Community Impact Goals: 2025

Community Impact Goals: 2025

  • Enable 100% of employees to give and volunteer; and achieve a 35% participation rate globally
  • Extend sustainability and STEM education program globally and expand outreach to students, teachers and facilitators by 60%                                                                                              
  • Proactively leverage Ball products (inclusive of beverage packaging, home care and cups) for good and donate at least $1 million in in-kind donations                                
By enhancing our product stewardship and social impact, we create value for our shareholders, people and planet.

Broadening Partnerships Through Recycling

We partner with Kroenke Sports & Entertainment at Ball Arena in Denver, CO and SoFi Stadium in Los Angeles, CA, to grow the Green Assists Program, which teaches young people about the benefits of recycling. To celebrate recycling education, we joined over 400 youth from Environmental Middle School in Los Angeles, who participated in a Recycling Combine with LA Rams wide receiver Allen Robinson. There, we educated participants about sustainable packaging and why recycling is important for the future of our planet.