can'd aid recycling

Crush It Crusade

Since inception, Can’d Aid has worked toward a more sustainable future through recycling infrastructure and education in communities across the United States. From the Appalachian Mountains to the Denver Foothills and dozens of places in between, the Crush it Crusade program has provided over dozens of grants to community activities making our experiences and social footprint more sustainable. Learn more about Crush it Crusade here.
everfi recycling education

Where Recycling Education Begins

A sustainable future through recycling is a result of efficient recycling infrastructure, high-quality recyclable substrates, and EDUCATION! EVERFI brings age-appropriate recycling education to the next generation. Through hands-on learning modules and opportunities to apply learnings in real-life experiences, Ball and EVERFI are driving the future of infinitely recyclable knowledge. 
Learning Through Play

Learning Through Play

After launching the Healthy Planet Heroes program with the Children's Museum of Denver at Marsico Campus, The Ball Foundation has expanded on the benefits of education through play. Today, The Ball Foundation partners with Glazer Children's Museum in Tampa, Florida on Reduce, Reuse, Recycle education at Camp Imagination; the Children's Museum of Phoenix, Arizona on Going, Going, Green sustainable education and practices; and the Children's Museum of Tacoma, Washington teaching kids to 'think green' with fun hands-on activities.