
PUSH Energy Drink Can Earns ASI Certification

January 31, 2025

Ball in Brazil partnered with Bebidas Poty, a beverage company offering various products, including soft drinks, juices, and water, to launch a PUSH energy drink can with the Aluminum Stewardship Initiative Certification (ASI) seal. This partnership reaffirms Ball's commitment to transforming the packaging market.


The launch of the ASI-certified PUSH energy drink marks another significant milestone in the Brazilian market. The country has been a global leader in aluminum can recycling, boasting a rate of over 98% for the past 15 years. 

For José Luiz Franzotti, President of Bebidas Poty, the decision to have PUSH energy drink can earn the ASI certification aligns perfectly with the company’s core values.

Sustainability has always been one of Poty’s strongest pillars. For over 20 years, we’ve embraced sustainable practices, and today we recycle the equivalent of 100% of our packaging. The ASI seal on the PUSH can further reinforces our commitment to providing innovative, delicious, and eco-friendly products.

José Luiz Franzotti, President of Bebidas Poty

“At Ball, sustainability is a fundamental pillar of our business, and we must ensure we operate within a responsible value chain. With ASI certification, we’re taking another important step in this direction, collaborating with our partners to create products that embody transparency and have a positive impact on both the environment and society,” shared Tamires Silvestre, Sustainability director at Ball in South America.

Ball is a founding member of ASI, a global standards setting and certification organization whose goal is to make the aluminum industry more sustainable by promoting responsible production, sourcing and stewardship. ASI is a simple and reliable way to ensure that our customers’ products are made with responsibly sourced and produced aluminum. To date, 98% of our global packaging business is now ASI-certified.