Our commitment to upholding internationally recognized human rights standards permeates every aspect of our global operations. We remain steadfast in our efforts to safeguard the rights of workers, communities, and stakeholders throughout our supply chain. Through continuous engagement, education, and collaboration, we endeavor to enhance our human rights performance, contributing positively to societal well-being and sustainable development. 

Our Alignment

Our Alignment

Driving commitment and change

International Labour Organization (ILO)
Ball adheres to the ILO's core labor standards, which encompass principles such as freedom of association, prohibition of forced labor, elimination of child labor, and non-discrimination in employment. By upholding these standards, Ball ensures that its employees enjoy fair and equitable working conditions across its global operations.

UN Global Compact
In an effort to further strengthen our sustainability initiatives and to increase transparency, Ball’s Board of Directors approved joining the UN Global Compact in 2022. As a participant in the UN Global Compact, Ball commits to aligning its operations and strategies with ten universally accepted principles in the areas of human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption. This alignment underscores Ball's dedication to upholding human rights, fostering ethical business practices, and contributing to sustainable development.

The Aluminum Stewardship Initiative (ASI) is an industry led initiative to drive sustainability across the entire aluminum value chain by enabling producers and users of aluminum to demonstrate responsible production and sourcing practices. ASI is here to support businesses and entities individually as they conduct Human Rights Due Diligence, but ASI’s Governance structure (and legal duty) precludes collective action. In January 2023, our aerosol business achieved ASI certifications as well, providing our customers with further confidence in Ball’s rigorous environmental and social standards. In addition, Ball has continued to increase its percentage of aluminum purchased from certified sustainable sources year-over-year. As of March 2024, 98% of our global packaging business is ASI-certified and we continue to work toward certification for our cups business. 

One third of Ball plants (excludes Russian and closed US sites) have undergone a Sedex Members Ethical Trade Audit (SMETA) audit, since January of 2021, which must be completed every two years. For suppliers, this is a work in progress to incorporate non-metal suppliers into Sedex. We are starting with critical suppliers with an annual spend of $5 million or more. In 2023, Ball assessed 20 tier-one suppliers who met this threshold.
Our Own Workforce

Our Own Workforce

We respect the human rights of our employees. We develop our worldwide employment policies in compliance with the relevant aspects of international human rights declarations. We are committed to training our employees to be aware of, respect and protect human rights in the workplace and in the communities directly impacted by our operations.

We expect all of our employees, at every level of the organization, to demonstrate consistent respect for the human rights of their co-workers, suppliers, customers, contractors and other people with whom they come into contact. Each Ball location offers support programs and local initiatives tailored to employee needs and the various cultural issues and challenges affecting each plant and its surrounding communities.

We do not tolerate discrimination, harassment, child or forced labor or other human rights abuses in our operations and we align with customers and suppliers who share our policies and avoid such practices. We recognize our employees’ right to freedom of association and open communication, including the rights of employees to bargain collectively. We respect and comply with all applicable laws in the jurisdictions in which we do business.  
Whistleblower Hotline

Whistleblower Hotline

Ball Corporation has implemented a robust whistleblower program to encourage the reporting of any concerns or violations related to human rights, ethics, or compliance. Our Compliance Alliance Hotline provides a confidential and secure mechanism for employees, suppliers, and other stakeholders to report potential issues without fear of retaliation. Reports received through the whistleblower program are thoroughly investigated, and appropriate actions are taken to address any identified issues, demonstrating Ball's commitment to accountability and integrity in its operations.

How it Works
The Ball Compliance Hotline can be used to report issues involving accounting, auditing, internal controls, corruption, fraud, and insider trading, only. If you want to report other matters please contact any of the management, Human Resources, or Compliance Focal Points contacts for your country. Although confidential reports are allowed, you are encouraged to provide your name and contact information when making your report.
Report an Incident
This system makes it easy to report an incident about workplace issues like financial and auditing concerns, harassment, theft, substance abuse and unsafe conditions.

Click here to get started or call 1-800-270-2879. 
Check Status
You can check the status of your report or question using the access number and password you created when you submitted the report or question. 

Click here to insert your access number and password. 
Our Value Chain

Our Value Chain

Ball seeks to avoid indirect involvement in human rights abuses. In the value chain of our products, we are identifying where adverse human rights impacts from human trafficking and Conflict Minerals may occur. We respect and promote human rights when engaging with subcontractors, suppliers, customers, joint venture and other partners. We do this, as appropriate, through proactive engagement, monitoring and contractual provisions.

We also seek to respect human rights and to develop an understanding of the cultures, customs and values that prevail in our local communities by developing an inclusive and open dialogue with the people affected by our operations.  

Transparency in our Value Chain

From the sourcing of raw materials to the delivery of our products, every link in our value chain reflects our commitment to environmental stewardship, social responsibility and ethical governance.

  • 4. Remelting & Rolling
    4. Remelting & Rolling

    Aluminum scrap, including beverage cans, is remelted at 700° Celsius and is combined with primary aluminum and cast into ingots, hot and cold rolled into thin sheet and coiled.

  • 5. Ball Operations
    5. Ball Operations

    Cans are punched into various shapes and sizes. Our printing technologies capture consumer attention with specialty inks, textured overvarnishes, customizable tab types, scannable codes & colored ends…

  • 6. Filling
    6. Filling

    Cans, aerosol bottles and other aluminum containers are then filled and sealed by our customers

  • 7. Products Use
    7. Products Use

    Used cans, aerosol bottles and other aluminum containers are collected for recycling, then easily separated and sorted at recycling facilities

  • 8. Collection
    8. Collection

    Used cans, aerosol bottles and other aluminum containers are collected for recycling, then easily separated and sorted at recycling facilities

  • 9. Remelting
    9. Remelting

    Used beverage cans are remelted and taken back to semi-fabrication to continue the cycle over and over

  • 1. Bauxite Mining
    1. Bauxite Mining

    The raw material for aluminum, bauxite, is mined

  • 2. Alumina Refining
    2. Alumina Refining

    Bauxite is processed into alumina powder

  • 3. Aluminum Smelting
    3. Aluminum Smelting

    In an electrolytic reduction, alumina becomes pure aluminum and can be formed into blocks of metal known as ingots

Aluminum beverage cans

Our Policies

Ball Corporation is dedicated to upholding human rights across all its operations. We have established comprehensive policies that align with international human rights standards, ensuring that our actions respect and protect the rights of all individuals, regardless of their background, identity, or location.

Human Rights Policy
Ball established a new company-wide Human Rights Policy in 2013 to ensure that we foster and maintain a responsible and safe work environment for our employees and in our supply chain. The policy sets out the principles for our actions and behaviors in relation to human rights.

We are proud of our rich history of delivering value to all of our stakeholders through our core values of uncompromising integrity, being close to our customers, behaving like owners, focusing on attention to detail and being innovative. Respect for human rights is a basic tenant of Ball's beliefs and is consistent with our values and our goal to be a more economically, socially and environmentally sustainable enterprise. Our Human Rights Policy aims to support and guide our management and employees in achieving our goals. 
Conflict Minerals Policy
As part of Ball’s Conflict Mineral Policy and efforts to comply with applicable law and eradicate modern slavery and forced labor from its supply chain, Ball seeks to avoid purchasing goods or materials for use in our products that contain, or require for their production, any Conflict Minerals originating from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (“DRC”) or adjoining countries where the mining of such Conflict Minerals benefits armed groups in the covered countries.

Ball supports ending violence and human rights violations in the mining of certain minerals from locations in DRC and adjoining countries. Ball also complies with and supports compliance with Section 1502 , which aims to prevent the use of Conflict Minerals that directly or indirectly finance or benefit armed groups in the DRC or adjoining countries (as defined in the Act). Companies, such as Ball, that file reports with the SEC must comply with Section 1502 if any Conflict Minerals are necessary to the functionality or production of a product manufactured or to be manufactured by the company.
Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity
It is the policy of Ball Corporation to attract and retain the best qualified people available without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, gender, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, age, physical or mental disability, veteran status or any other status protected by law.

Our Nondiscrimination and Equal Opportunity policy applies to applicants and employees, and covers all terms and conditions of employment, including recruiting, hiring, transfers, promotions, terminations, compensation and benefits. Discrimination or harassment based on any of the above factors is prohibited, as is retaliation against a person who has made a complaint or given information regarding possible violations of this policy.

We recognize, respect and embrace the cultural differences found in the worldwide marketplace. We have zero tolerance for discrimination or harassment of any kind.

Relevant Policies and Downloads


2024 Child and Forced Labor Policy

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2024 Human Rights Policy

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Slavery and Human Trafficking Statement

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2023 Conflict Minerals Report

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2021 Human Rights Policy

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2022 Business Ethics Code of Conduct

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2022 Human Trafficking Statement

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2023 Prohibition of Discrimination, Harassment, & Retaliation Policy

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Global Supplier Code of Conduct

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California Transparency Act and UK Modern Slavery Act Statement

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