Describe Ball Invoicing Methods
- cXML. Tighter integration with Coupa allows you to send cXML invoices directly to Coupa. This is suitable for suppliers with a high volume of purchase orders, or who automate their invoicing. direct connection from their supplier system. Note suppliers will need the technical capability to support cXML invoices.
- Coupa Supplier Portal. Create invoices directly from purchase orders on the Coupa Supplier Portal for free. This is the most comprehensive way to manage your interactions with Coupa. This method is ideal for suppliers with low to medium volume purchase orders and invoices, or who want to view all transactions from their customers who use Coupa in one place.
Invoice Management:
To ensure proper and timely payment of invoices, it's important to understand our invoicing methods. Follow the guidance provided below.Once Coupa is live, all new Ball Corporation Purchase Orders must be sent electronically using Coupa. Suppliers are expected to send all related invoices to Ball Corporation through one of the methods below unless otherwise dictated by regulatory requirements.
All invoices must include a valid Ball PO, as a failure to do so may delay payment processing. All invoices without a PO will be rejected unless (TBD).
Invoicing Methods:
- Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP): Create invoices directly from purchase orders on the CSP. This is the most comprehensive way to mange your interactions with your customers. This method is ideal for suppliers with low to medium volume purchase orders and invoices, or who want to view all transactions from their customers who use Coupa in one place.
- Supplier Actionable Notifications (SAN): Flip your incoming PO's into invoices right from the PO email. This is the easiest way to submit electronic invoices through Coupa.
- cXML: Tighter integration with Coupa allows you to send cXML invoices directly to Coupa. This is suitable for suppliers with a high volume of purchase orders, or who automate their invoicing direct connection form their supplier system. Note suppliers will need the technical capability to support cXML invoices.
Invoicing in the Coupa Supplier Portal:
Submit your invoivce via Coupa using the "PO flip" functionality. There are two ways to flip a purchase order into an invoice.- Click the PO Number link to open the purchase order and click on the Create Invoice button.
- Click on the Create Invoice icon (gold coins) of the Purchase Order you want to invoice in the Purchase Orders table.
Upon submission of an invoice, Coupa iwll compare the purchase order, receipt and invoice (3 way match). If the documents match, the invoice will ve approved and released for payment under the terms and conditions agreed in the purchase order. If any of the ingormation on the invoice is inaccurate or missing, the ingoice will not ve approved automatically and will be routed to tthe Ball requester for review and action.
If an invoice is received and does not comly with Ball's invoicing requirements, it will be disputed and reurnted back to the supplier for correction.
If you need to resolve a dispute on an invoice, correct an invoice, or cancel a duplicate invoice, you can issue a credit note in the CSP. Please note that when issuing a credit note, the quantity and amount must be negative.
Payment Status:
Once an invoice has been approved and paid, the payment information can be found within the Coupa Supplier Portal (CSP) under the Invoice history. If e-mail notifications are neabled, you will receive an email notification from Coupa confirming the invoice for payment.For more information on invoicing through Coupa, visit
Create or Edit an Invoice
View and Manage Invoices
Invoices FAQ
Create an Invoice or Credit Note in the CSP (video)